How can we help you?

Our expert customer service representatives are happy to help you with any questions you may have regarding our products, policies, finding a broker and more. Don’t hesitate to reach out, we are here for you.

Here’s how to get in touch.

Call your Broker

Contact your insurance Broker. They are your expert advisor for all of your questions about coverage, pricing, billing and more. Still unsure? Send us a message:

Call us

For general inquiries speak to one of our Customer Service representatives. Our people will support and guide you in any situation.

Emergency claim?

For emergency claims requiring immediate assistance such as fire, water or burglary, please contact our 24/7 Emergency Claims Service Line.

(1 866) 864 1113
24 hours, 7 days a week


Our FAQ can help you find answers on questions you may have regarding your home, vehicle or business policy with Unica.

Get in touch.

Fill out our form to have one of our representatives get back to you.

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Join our team

The foundation of our success begins with our people. At Unica, we have a dynamic and friendly corporate culture that is the motivation behind our success.